Bethesda hate trends have made me a Fanboy
Hello, all. This might be a funnier blog post. It might not, we'll see.
I'm putting in my precious time I could be spending doing something else in order to write this. So, you're welcome for this free content piece. I am now a Bethesda fan boy. The haters made me one.
Anyway, Man. Like the title says, I have just about had enough about no-life nerds hiding behind internet keyboards and mics going ON and ON about why Bethesda to them is the worst thing to happen to the world, since Hitler.
No, this isn't a superficial absurd argument, it's a light joke. Welcome to the 21st century where you need to develop a sense of humor in order to not let all this trolling on the internet get under your skin. But, sadly, for myself, I just feel like I'm at my limit with these baby adults.
I'm just going to tell you the truth.
The internet can be VERY bias to what is good and what is bad. Just look at Cyberpunk. The same game people love for the story, graphics, gameplay was all there in launch. But a few VERY nitpick Youtubers took it upon themselves to spread around it was buggy, unfinished, or unplayable. So, people just assumed Cyberpunk = they lied / its bad. (I actually wrote a blog post debunking this). But now, Cyberpunk is trendy to love just because it got some new bonus content. Starfield is the same that its such a huge game that the negative reviews are not only pre-mature, but also bias towards Bethesda.
Because people that don't actually play Bethesda games just think Bethesda makes buggy games. This lie is so used, its not even credible anymore.
How many times have I gotten bugs with Bethesda? Almost the same as any other video game, more if I am very picky and try to break the game. How many crashes when modding? All the time. But Bethesda gets the hate still.
Totally.....100% cherry picking bias that the internet does not share to other gaming standards like Persona, Balders Gate, or even Witcher.
But Bethesda? Oh yeah, people are READY to nitpick the smallest thing just to call their game "blandfield."
In fact, I can already hear all the bias hate for ES6 two months after they release.
But anyway, when it comes to the internet, the average nerd manifests themselves into their alter egos--a natzi gatekeeper of nerdum. Doesn't matter where that may be. They could be videogame nerds, tv and movie nerds, they could even be average Dnd nerds. There's going to be a community of people in all areas of Nerdum, like on Youtube, with the average comment being
"This thing is trash. They will always be trash. Yeah some stuff is good, but it's good because it's not the other trash they did, so it's still trash."
Now, I already covered this in my other blog posts "Social media is a D student" and "Cancel Culture is worse than you think" in which I stated A--People can be so quick to judge and ignorant to comment. B--If you don't agree with someone, just cancel them. Dox their internet profiles, their content areas, cancel because they just looked at you wrong."
In this post, I'm trying to say that along with this, is that I am so tired of watching....seeing comments.....seeing memes......seeing content made....all in the sake of shallow mockery.
None other have I felt this strongly against, then with the trolls that just hate Bethesda simply for existing as a game company.
Doesn't matter if Fallout isn't your cup of tea, Fallout is boring trash.
Doesn't matter if Skyrim doesn't try to go for any "why can't I chop down this tree to make wood," Skyrim is trash.
Doesn't even matter if Starfield uses Open Exploration, Starfield is still going to be called trash because it's so space-like, that some people THOUGHT it was going to mimic another game.
You thought! Boy, you thought. That's why you guy's opinions suck, because you always ASSUME.
We assume Cyberpunk2077 is going to play like GTA instead of being an RPG, and we get mad because it doesn't follow into the Rockstar gameplay.
We assume Hogwarts Legacy is going to even play like the Harry Potter games by EA, and we get mad that it doesn't.
We even ASSUME that games like Starfield is going to be a clone of Mass Effect, No Man's Sky, Outter World's, Star Citizen, and then get mad when it's not.
Does this ever end on the scale of our absurd hot takes? Why would people expect Starfield to play like Skyrim or Fallout? Do people have this much hate towards other similar game loops like Daggerfall? Isn't Daggerfall the same formula, but widely respected even by Morrowind Critics? Isn't Starfield meant to be a new IP? Can we stop comparing small handcrafted level design with generated level designs? They're both good ways to play a video game.
Why do we keep supporting videos that reach 1million views just on being drama clickbaits.
Oh wait, it's because THEY ARE drama clickbaits, and that's why these videos always reach millions of views. Because here I am myself making a whole dang blog reacting to this easy content.
Before I forget what I wanted to say, let me just say that the typical "reviewer" on these videos are not really game reviewers at all. Even people that boast 60+ hours playing a game are not actual reviewers of a game. Don't get it twisted.
Some people just take advantage of the reviewing edge in order to go on a mic, and post a rant video about all the little tiny things they nitpick and cherry pick and WA WAH WA.
"Oh, look I have to enter this dialogue. Wow, BETHESDA SUCKS."
"Oh, look the npc isn't acting like a real human, Wow BETHESDA is BAD."
"Oh, look I have to enter a 3 second loading screen. Wow, BETHESDA IS OUTDATED"
Hold on a minute, isn't this cherry picking? Why don't we say the same thing to other games WITH LOADING SCREENS like Persona or Final Fantasy? Since when have Loading Screens not been a part of gaming? It's always there in one way or another.
If people really don't want any loading screen, then when they turn on a computer or a game they would be instantly at their destination. Every game even Rockstar and Cyberpunk have loading screens. It's just the methods that are used are different. Doesn't Rockstar have loading screens switching between Characters? No, no, no son. That's just a long delay.....
Doesn't Cyberpunk have loading screens when fast traveling, sleeping, or in between missions?
No, no, no son. That's just me waiting a bit until the elevator opens. It ain't the same!
Sure, bob. Sure. You keep telling yourself even radius real time events don't have to also wait on things to load outside their area.
Anyways, before I get anymore offtrack. I just want to comment that all these negative nerd posts are so dumb, they are just really fishing for bait and arguments. Heck, I already wasted my time making this blog. But it's important, because I don't want to repeat myself again or not shine light onto this for the rest to be aware of.
We live in a time when someone's argument's on why Bethesda sucks has fallen to simple "76 is bland. So it's bad" or "Starfield is boring, so Bethesda sucks."
All these opinion's masking as true criticism content in an age where people can't even agree what an RPG is. Saying Skyrim is an RPG alone is going to offend some people that play RPG's differently or exactly by the meta rules of other franchises like Dnd.
So, I just want to end off by saying. Man, I am so disappointed in how the internet never changes. People have actually gotten worse and with more popularity now to get away with saying things like "Starfiled doesn't play like Outter Worlds, so Bethesda is an outdated company."
TOO LONG. TOO LONG have these type of slander been going on since Skyrim.
I already made a whole blog post about Skyrim, so the only thing I want to say is that now that Starfield is out, people are getting more comfortable saying "Skyrim is a Masterpiece" when before Starfield came out people said "Skyrim is a buggy mess." "Skyrim is 10 years old, it's a bad old game!" Well, GTA5 is now 10
years old, but where is their absurd nitpick hate on traffic AI, generic npcs, and all the things never brought back from older GTA titles? So since when has, "its now x years
old been a bad thing?" Now people are feeling okay to praise Skyrim......because it lets people mock the next game, Starfield. Isn't this a little familiar? Morrowind to Oblivion, Oblivion to Skyrim? People say the games dumb down when all they do is be different in their own right.
Just like Cyberpunk2077, yesterday it was being called the worst game in history, today people are saying it's the best game ever made and Starfield is trash." Really? Where were all you 2.0 fans at before 2.0?? Where was this love at 1.5, 1.3, etc. People that are now playing 2.0 are praising the same story, combat, features they all hated at launch because youtuber's told them it wasn't a good game. 2.0 just adds guns on cars, a bigger perk system, GTA cops, and more loot. All extra bonus content to a game that was trendy to just hate before 2.0
Man, oh man. Am I tired of these internet trend biases. I really did enjoy the brief time when Starfield was out and everyone was just enjoying this new game. Now, post release is the time for trolls. When people come out of their caves to say "Starfield is trash." Few people would say this on release because just like my Cancel Culture post, reality be damn. Doesn't matter if a game is seen as universally good, just give it a few weeks for the trolls to come out to begin their attack and influence the public narrative from "Starfield is amazing I'm having so much fun" to "Starfield is the worse game ever made and Bethesda is outdated."
This absolutely has nothing to do with "honey moon phases" and all to do with how more people are actually playing this game at release, so more often people will be like: "it just came out, what do you mean its the worse thing to gaming??? The reason you don't see this much hate before release is because people are quick to tell what a dumb opinion is. No, the trolls normally start their hate at release, then continue for weeks all using the trend publicity #hashtags in order to voice their rants. THIS IS HOW YOUTUBERS GET THEIR NEW VIEWERS. It never matters how good a game is, if the trolls take over the trend marketing, it's going to spread into public reception and stop people from trying the game for themselves. Something that doesn't really work, but that does more damage to the public bias.
LAST THING, very last thing I want to point out is the absurd comments made about Bethesda games. How their games are so "outdated."
First of all, son. Every game that comes out is already better than the last, so it can't be outdated. Unless you're trying to compare one game from another like how people already did with Balder's Gate 3 vs Starfield. You compare two different types of games, insult the different features, and then call one worse than the other.
Yet, people don't want to admit that Rockstar GTA5 is better than the outdated GTA4 (duh), or GTA 3 is better than 2, etc.
"Oh look Cyberpunk uses Raytracing puddles and Starfield doesnt. Starfield is sooooo outdated." "Oh look, GTA4 had breakable windows and Cyerbpunk doesn't. Gee, guys Cyberpunk is sooo outdated.
And when it comes to Bethesda, people easily forget that Starfield is better than Fallout 4. And Fallout 4 is better than Skyrim. This is because gaming studios evolve to be bigger and grander and more refine in their own franchise. But because Bethesda uses Loading Screens, they automatically get seen as outdated, cherry picking by not daring to attack other games that choose to do loading screens. Also, why do people BLINDLY ignore how good Bethesda Npcs have become since Skyrim? Or how graphically beautiful Starfield is to Fallout 4 or Skyrim. BUT NOOOOOO. People are busy clickbaiting squating infront of npcs to get those ugly screenshots. Go do that in real life, bro. People just want to compare apples to bananas.
(repost from my newest post because I think this is so true)
Exhibit A: Videos like this one where our lovable hosts are sharing their thoughts on mocking the only person that's actually played it. And then telling her why the game ONLY she has played, is bad. Basically, the perfect visual of the entire internet "i haven't played the game, omy gosh, you like it? it's so bad! Let me tell you why! Plus, not to mention the resolved bias through out the entire video that their minds are already made up and everything she is explaining is only prolonging their response of "yeah I hear what you're saying, but the game is bad in x y and z." It's sad, because everyone besides her have fallen into the narrative, and just like Skyrim, the only one that's actually trying out the game themselves haven't even done everything. That's because Bethesda is very good at letting people discover for themselves, but just because Skyrim is popular doesn't mean their game styles are for everyone. If you find stories boring, go do some exploring. If you dont like exploring, maybe youll like crafting. If youre not a crafting lover, why not try the missions? All this especially now that Balder's Gate 3 came out and people's standards of an RPG is beautiful unique npcs, short dialogue, and a fast-paced combat.If it's not a production value experience from A to B linear game, it's not a good RPG to get "engaged." This is why most people say the first two Acts are the best, and the third is okay. Because the game was made to showcase A, B, and less C. That's basic marketing.
We talk like loading screens are a bad thing now. Since when has a transition been an issue outside of nitpick people? My point was that many games use load screens in their design. To be this focused on loading screens is just a reflection of our nitpick petty criticism. it shows we're not interested in the actual game, just having a tunnel vision about a game mechanic that no one especially on console should be complaining. If loading screens trigger us so much, we should really stop playing videogames if we are bothered by the smallest of things / how a game transitions.
Saying the same thing about "stiff animation" is another nitpick subjective thing that only people who didn't work on the game feel its okay to criticize. Just say its not your type of game instead of hating over these absurd "issues" you feel the need to nitpick at. Do you want Balder's Gate animation? is that what you want? You want the same detail of BDG uniquely crafted npc personas in a Starfield scale? Do you want Yakuza animation? Do you want their animation more? No, we just want a cope out way to hate anything about this game just to rant about it. Animation? That's how I know our points are not only subjective, but petty. It's Starfield. It's not and never meant to emulate any other type of way anyone else does anything. Okay. Let's start here. When you play GTA, dont be looking for what Cyberpunk does and GTA doesn't. Don't be looking at GTA npcs and Cyberpunk npcs and start ranting. Understand you're playing two different games the way the devs made them to be. Once you understand how different companies shift their focus, you will start appreciating what every game does different.
If Bethesda does one thing, people will complain for the other. If Bethesda removes a feature, people will complain about the new feature. If Bethesda makes a base game, people will credit the modders for the modded game. If Bethesda does combat one way, people will praise the modders for doing combat their way. If Bethesda gives you planets, people will complain there are too many planets. If Bethesda removed planets, people will complain there aren't enough planets. If Bethesda gave you weapons, people would say modders give you more weapons. If Bethesda gave you loot, people would say modders remove the loot for immersion. Like I said in my Skyrim post, people have a hard time complimenting Bethesda without mocking them first. "No, no Skyrim is an aweful game. But Morrowind is the perfect game." Or worse, comparing one game from one studio to another.
Anyways, that's it. You guys can all read my blog posts in depth and see for yourself my slow spiral into madness the longer I go without being online again.