You were told to hate Bethesda
So, hello everyone. I'm just stopping by to write a quick blog post that is way too big to make a simple twitter post or image. So, I just want to get this out of my head because it's been killing me inside for a couple of months now. As you guys know, I don't like to engage in video format when I discuss these topics because doing so will not really attract like-minded people that are calm and collected, but would rather fuel the gasoline to the hundreds of thousands of keyboard-ready ranty people online. Just releasing ANY amount of content addressing ranters is EXACTLY what ranters want, because they have nothing better to do than to be attracted to someone flaming their ego and wanting content to reply to. So, I'm just keeping this on a blog post. Today, I will be discussing what I am most passionate about in terms of my favorite genre, Gaming. And when it comes to Gaming, I am the most passionate about covering the SHAME of how gamers have treated Bethesda ...